Programme of Requirements part 3g: Certificate Policy for Authenticity and Confidentiality certificates in Private Services (G1) Domain v4.10
Table of Contents
- 4.1 Certificate Application
- 4.2 Certificate application processing
- 4.3 Certificate issuance
- 4.4 Certificate acceptance
- 4.5 Key pair and certificate usage
- 4.6 Certificate renewal
- 4.6.1 Circumstance for certificate renewal
- 4.6.2 Who may request renewal
- 4.6.3 Processing certificate renewal requests
- 4.6.4 Notification of new certificate issuance to subscriber
- 4.6.5 Conduct constituting acceptance of a renewal certificate
- 4.6.6 Publication of the renewal certificate by the CA
- 4.6.7 Notification of certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
- 4.7 Certificate re-key
- 4.7.1 Circumstance for certificate re-key
- 4.7.2 Who may request certification of a new public key
- 4.7.3 Processing certificate re-keying requests
- 4.7.4 Notification of new certificate issuance to subscriber
- 4.7.5 Conduct constituting acceptance of a re-keyed certificate
- 4.7.6 Publication of the re-keyed certificate by the CA
- 4.7.7 Notification of certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
- 4.8 Certificate modification
- 4.8.1 Circumstance for certificate modification
- 4.8.2 Who may request certificate modification
- 4.8.3 Processing certificate modification requests
- 4.8.4 Notification of new certificate issuance to subscriber
- 4.8.5 Conduct constituting acceptance of modified certificate
- 4.8.6 Publication of the modified certificate by the CA
- 4.8.7 Notification of certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
- 4.9 Certificate revocation and suspension
- 4.9.1 Circumstances for revocation
- 4.9.2 Who can request revocation
- 4.9.3 Procedure for revocation request
- 4.9.4 Revocation request grace period
- 4.9.5 Time within which CA must process the revocation request
- 4.9.6 Revocation checking requirement for relying parties
- 4.9.7 CRL issuance frequency (if applicable)
- 4.9.8 Maximum latency for CRLs (if applicable)
- 4.9.9 On-line revocation/status checking availability
- 4.9.10 On-line revocation checking requirements
- 4.9.11 Other forms of revocation advertisements available
- 4.9.12 Special requirements related to key compromise
- 4.9.13 Circumstances for suspension
- 4.9.14 Who can request suspension
- 4.9.15 Procedure for suspension request
- 4.9.16 Limits on suspension period
- 4.10 Certificate status services
- 4.11 End of subscription
- 4.12 Key escrow and recovery
- 5.1 Physical controls
- 5.2 Procedural controls
- 5.3 Personnel controls
- 5.3.1 Qualifications, experience, and clearance requirements
- 5.3.2 Background check procedures
- 5.3.3 Training requirements
- 5.3.4 Retraining frequency and requirements
- 5.3.5 Job rotation frequency and sequence
- 5.3.6 Sanctions for unauthorized actions
- 5.3.7 Independent contractor requirements
- 5.3.8 Documentation supplied to personnel
- 5.4 Audit logging procedures
- 5.5 Records archival
- 5.6 Key changeover
- 5.7 Compromise and disaster recovery
- 5.8 CA or RA termination
- 6.1 Key pair generation and installation
- 6.2 Private Key Protection and Cryptographic Module Engineering Controls
- 6.2.1 Cryptographic module standards and controls
- 6.2.2 Private key (n out of m) multi-person control
- 6.2.3 Private key escrow
- 6.2.4 Private key backup
- 6.2.5 Private key archival
- 6.2.6 Private key transfer into or from a cryptographic module
- 6.2.7 Private key storage on cryptographic module
- 6.2.8 Method of activating private key
- 6.2.9 Method of deactivating private key
- 6.2.10 Method of destroying private key
- 6.2.11 Cryptographic Module Rating
- 6.3 Other aspects of key pair management
- 6.4 Activation data
- 6.5 Computer security controls
- 6.6 Life cycle technical controls
- 6.7 Network security controls
- 6.8 Time-stamping
- 7.1 Certificate profile
- 7.1.1 Version number(s)
- 7.1.2 Certificate extensions
- 7.1.3 Algorithm object identifiers
- 7.1.4 Name forms
- 7.1.5 Name constraints
- 7.1.6 Certificate policy object identifier
- 7.1.7 Usage of Policy Constraints extension
- 7.1.8 Policy qualifiers syntax and semantics
- 7.1.9 Processing semantics for the critical Certificate Policies extension
- 7.2 CRL profile
- 7.3 OCSP profile
- 7.1 Certificate profile
- 9.1 Fees
- 9.2 Financial responsibility
- 9.3 Confidentiality of business information
- 9.4 Privacy of personal information
- 9.4.1 Privacy plan
- 9.4.2 Information treated as private
- 9.4.3 Information not deemed private
- 9.4.4 Responsibility to protect private information
- 9.4.5 Notice and consent to use private information
- 9.4.6 Disclosure pursuant to judicial or administrative process
- 9.4.7 Other information disclosure circumstances
- 9.5 Intellectual property rights
- 9.6 Representations and warranties
- 9.7 Disclaimers of warranties
- 9.8 Limitations of liability
- 9.9 Indemnities
- 9.10 Term and termination
- 9.11 Individual notices and communications with participants
- 9.12 Amendments
- 9.13 Dispute resolution provisions
- 9.14 Governing law
- 9.15 Compliance with applicable law
- 9.16 Miscellaneous provisions
- 9.17 Other provisions
- Appendix A: Certificate Profile
1.1 Overview
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
1.2 Document name and identification
1.2.1 Revisions Version 4.0 to 4.1
- Certification against ETSI TS 102 042 (effective date no later than 4 weeks after publication of PoR 4.1).
Small editorial modification to the following requirement:
- Requirement 5.7.4-pkio86. Version 4.1 to 4.2
- Requirement 7.1-pkio150 (effective date July 1, 2016).
- Change in subjectAltName in the certificate profile (effective date directly after publication of PoR).
None. Version 4.2 to 4.3
- Addition of issuer.organizationalIdentifier in the certificate profile (effective date 1-7-2016).
- Description with attribute CertificatePolicies (effective date 1-7-2016);
- Removal optional use KeyAgreement with Key Usage (effective date no later than 4 weeks after publication of PoR 4.3);
- ETSI TS 102 176-1 replaced by ETSI TS 119 312 (effective date no later than 4 weeks after publication of PoR 4.3);
- Removal of requirement pkio95 due to duplicate with ETSI EN 319 411-1 (effective date no later than 4 weeks after publication of PoR 4.3);
- Use of values in BasicConstraints field no longer permitted in end entity certificates (effective date 1-7-2016);
- ETSI TS 102 042 replaced by ETSI EN 319 411-1 (effective date 1-7-2016 or when the accreditation to the certifying body has been granted with a final date of 30 June 2017).
None. Version 4.3 to 4.4
- Removal of requirement 5.3.2-pkio79 (effective date 1-2-2017);
- Clarification of issuer.organizationIdentifier field (effective date 1-2-2017);
- Tightening of use optional EKUs that conflict with the parent TSP CA certificate (effective date 1-2-2017).
- Replaced CSP (Certificate Service Provider) with TSP (Trust Service Provider) in accordance with eIDAS directive. Version 4.4 to 4.5
- Possibility to offer CPS in English and/or Dutch (requirement 2.2-pkio157, effective date 1-10-2017);
- Mandatory yearly renewal CPS (requirement 2.2-pkio156, effective date 1-1-2017).
- Requirement 4.9.9-pkio67 now references RFC6960 instead of RFC2560 (effective date 31-12-2016);
- Change in OID 2.16.528.1.1003. to also cover OCSP responder certificates (effective date 1-7-2017);
- Mandatory use of field “NextUpdate” in OCSP responses (requirement 4.9.9-pkio71, effective date 1-7-2017).
None. Version 4.5 to 4.6
- Corrected subjectAltName.othername field (effective date directly after publication of PoR 4.6).
None. Version 4.6 to 4.7
- Requirement 7.1-pkio177 (effective date immediately after publication of PoR 4.7).
- Description of a number of certificate attributes replaced by reference to requirement 7.1-pkio174 (effective date 8 weeks after publication of PoR 4.7);
- Reference to CWA 14 169 amended to EN 419 211 for QSCDs. This also sets requirements for the issueance of QSCDs for requirements 6.1.1-pkio88, 6.1.1-pkio93, 6.2.11-pkio105, 6.4.1-pkio112 and 4.9.1-pkio52 (effective date immediately after publication of PoR 4.7).
None. Version 4.7 to 4.8
- Requirement 3.2.2-pkio186 on (re)validation of organizational data (effective date directly after publication of PoR 4.8).
- Change in requirement 7.1-pkio177 on serial number requirements (effective date August 29, 2019);
- Change in requirement 7.1-pkio150 to allow constraint (EKU emailProtection) in PoR (effective date directly after publication of PoR 4.8);
- Requirement 9.17-pkio140 removed (effective date directly after publication of PoR 4.8).
- Change in definition of private key in requirement 4.9.1-pkio52 (effective date directly after publication of PoR 4.8). Version 4.8 to 4.9
- Change requirement 6.1.1-pkio89 to comply with Mozilla policy on signature encoding (effective date 01-03-2020).
- Requirement 2.2-pkio8 has been removed (effective date immediately after publication PoR 4.9);
- Requirement 2.2-pkio157 has been removed (effective date immediately after publication PoR 4.9);
- Requirement 6.1.1-pkio87 has been removed (effective date immediately after publication PoR 4.9).
None. Version 4.9 to 4.10
Added basic requirement 8.2-pkio199.
Added new additional requirement 8.4-pkio196.
Change the description, explanation, and criterium of the extensions:subjectAltName:otherName attribute in the certificate profile.
Changes to the the subject:organizationIdentifier attribute in the certificate profile.
Expand the description of the extensions:certificatePolicies field in the certificate profile with additional ETSI 319 411 certificate policies.
Change the extensions:certificatePolicies:policyQualifiers:qualifier:userNotice field criteria to "MAY" in the certificate profile.
Replace Telecommunications Act with eDIAS in requirement 9.6.1-pkio127.
Remove the subject:postalAddress attribute from the certificate profile.
Remove the subject:organizationalUnitName attribute from the certificate profile.
Remove the extensions:freshestCRL field from the certificate profile.
Remove the extensions:subjectInfoAccess field from the certificate profile.
Remove requirement 9.6.1-pkio129.
Editorial changes in the description and explanation of the extensions:certificatePolicies:policyQualifiers:qualifier:userNotice field in the certificate profile resulting from combining change 450 with change 445.13.
Expanded the description of the extensions:basicConstraints field in the certificate profile.
Editorial changes to requirement 9.6.1-pkio127.
1.2.2 Relevant dates
Version | Date | Description |
4.0 | 12-2014 | Ratified by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations December 2014 |
4.1 | 07-2015 | Ratified by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations July 2015 |
4.2 | 01-2016 | Ratified by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations January 2016 |
4.3 | 07-2016 | Ratified by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations July 2016 |
4.4 | 02-2017 | Ratified by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations February 2017 |
4.5 | 07-2017 | Ratified by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations July 2017 |
4.6 | 01-2018 | Ratified by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations January 2018 |
4.7 | 01-2019 | Ratified by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations January 2019 |
4.8 | 02-2020 | Ratified by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations February 2020 |
4.9 | 02-2021 | Ratified by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations February 2021 |
1.3 PKI participants
1.3.1 Certification authorities
In this document the distinction is made between the term Certification Authority (CA) and Trust Service Provider. In international usage, "CA" is an umbrella term that refers to all entities authorized to issue, manage, revoke, and renew certificates. This can apply to the actual CA certificate as well as the organization. In this CP, the organization which holds a CA is refered to as a TSP. The term CA is used to refer to the infrastructure and keymaterial from which a TSP issues and signs certificates. This CP covers all certificates issued and signed by the following CAs hereinafter referred to as TSPs.
Common Name | Not Before | Not After | Serial Number | SHA256 Fingerprint |
Digidentity BV PKIoverheid Private Services CA - G1 (3g+3h) | 29 Nov 2018 | 12 Nov 2028 | 2784474161498963929 | BFE8F634 772B0EC2 CD2A41A1 7F7C6125 77D7E24F 934073DE C89A991B 6169687E |
KPN PKIoverheid Private Services CA - G1 (3g+h) | 25 Nov 2015 | 12 Nov 2028 | 1387491402357593400 | BDB68500 AAAE2563 C57B4525 78436043 6D3E3FD8 DF974B25 A77F132C ECC2A49D |
QuoVadis PKIoverheid Private Services CA - G1 (3g+3h) | 14 Nov 2016 | 12 Nov 2028 | 6011242634312924764 | 69DF8D18 C54503F8 3DC239C3 DCF8115B 2A447EFC 5DEFCA61 19D18E98 8C12276D |
UZI-register Private Server CA G1 (3h) | 09 Mar 2017 | 12 Nov 2028 | 5613314895991348523 | BDD860EF 8E87E2B2 C7EBB34D D6E9E177 1A3A3C5D EC850BA7 080E3E29 04DBD897 |
ZOVAR Private Server CA G1 (3h) | 09 Mar 2017 | 12 Nov 2028 | 3936653012735493143 | FE54263B C96C2DFB AC5BE5F4 49CFF7F5 B12B6255 A7BBCF76 1BA979E5 986E1598 |
1.3.2 Registration authorities
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
1.3.3 Subscribers
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
1.3.4 Relying parties
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
1.3.5 Other participants
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
1.4 Certificate usage
1.4.1 Appropiate certificate uses
The use of certificates issued under this CP relates to communication from certificate holders who act on behalf of the subscriber.
[OID 2.16.528.1.1003.]
Authenticity certificates, issued under this CP, can be used to identify and authenticate, by electronic means, the service that is part of the organizational entity, which is responsible for the relevant service. Issuance of code signing certificates by means of which the integrity and authenticity of software can be safeguarded by a digital signature being placed are NOT allowed under this CP.
Under this OID OCSP responder certificates may be issued for use within the domain Private Services. Said certificates can be used to sign OCSP responses for use in the verification of the validity of the end user certificate. More information can be obtained in appendix A of the base requirements.
[OID 2.16.528.1.1003.]
Confidentiality certificates, issued under this CP, can be used to protect the confidentiality of data that is exchanged and/or stored in an electronic format.
1.4.2 Prohibited certificate uses
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
1.5 Policy administration
1.5.1 Organization administering the document
The Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) is responsible for this CPS. BZK has delegated this responsibility to Logius, including approval of changes of this document.
1.5.2 Contact person
Policy Authority PKIoverheid
Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 52
Postbus 96810
1.5.3 Person determining CPS suitability for the policy
The Policy Authority PKIoverheid (PA) determines the suitability of CPSs published as a result of this CP.
1.5.4 CP approval procedures
The PA PKIoverheid reserves the right to amend this CP. Changes are applicable from the date that is listed in section 1.2.2. Relevant dates. The management of Logius is responsible for following the procedures as listed in section 9.12 Amendments and final approval of this CP.
1.6 Definitions and acronyms
1.6.1 Conventions
The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”,“SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in these Requirements MUST be interpreted in accordance with RFC 2119.
2.1 Repositories
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
2.2 Publication of certification information
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The CPS MUST be available in English. If a CPS is published in multiple languages there MUST be no substantial substantive difference between the different versions. In case of interpretation disputes related to CPS texts the English language version SHALL always be leading. |
Comment | - |
2.3 Time or frequency of publication
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
2.4 Access controls on repositories
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
3.1 Naming
3.1.1 Types of names
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
3.1.2 Need for names to be meaningful
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
3.1.3 Anonymity or pseudonymity of subscribers
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
3.1.4 Rules for interpreting various name forms
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
3.1.5 Uniqueness of names
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
3.1.6 Recognition, authentication, and role of trademarks
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
3.2 Initial identity validation
3.2.1 Method to prove possession of private key
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The TSP is responsible for ensuring that the subscriber supplies the certificate signing request (CSR) securely. The secure delivery must take place in the following manner:
Comment | - |
3.2.2 Authentication of organization identity
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The TSP has to verify that the name of the organization registered by the subscriber that is incorporated in the certificate is correct and complete |
Comment | - |
Description | If an organization changes its name but the underlying registration number (e.g. HRN) remains the same, then the subscriber DOES NOT have to go through the subscription registration again. If the organization name remains the same but the underlying registration number changes, then the TSP MUST perform the subscription registration again. In both cases, the existing certificate must be withdrawn because the data in the certificate no longer conforms to the originally validated data. |
Comment | - |
Description | The TSP has to verify that the subscriber is an existing organization. |
Comment | - |
3.2.3 Authentication of individual identity
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | In accordance with Dutch legislation and regulations, the TSP has to check the identity and, if applicable, specific properties of the certificate manager. Proof of identity has to be verified based on the physical appearance of the person himself, either directly or indirectly, using means by which the same certainty can be obtained as with personal presence. The proof of identity can be supplied on paper or electronically. |
Comment | - |
Description | The identity of the certificate manager can only be established using the valid documents referred to in article 1 of the Compulsory Identification Act (Wet op de identificatieplicht). The TSP has to check the validity and authenticity of these documents. |
Comment | If the personal identity of the certificate manager is verified when a certificate is requested in the Government, Companies and Organization Domains, then the identity verification of the certificate manager will be considered to have taken place under this CP. |
Description | The certificate manager is a person whose identity has to be established in conjunction with an organizational entity. Proof has to be submitted of:
Comment | - |
3.2.4 Non-verified subscriber information
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
3.2.5 Validation of authority
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The TSP has to verify that:
Comment | The "certificate manager" who takes over those actions from the certificate holder does not necessarily have to be the same person as the system administrator or personnel officer. Also the knowledge of the activation data of the key material (for example PIN) can be shared by various people if the organization of the certificate management requires that. However, it is recommended that as few people as possible have knowledge of the PIN. It also would be wise to take measures that limit access to the PIN. An example of this is placing the PIN in a safe to which only authorized persons can gain access in certain situations. |
Description | The agreement that the TSP enters into with the subscriber has to state that the subscriber is responsible for immediately informing the TSP of any relevant changes to the relationship between the subscriber and certificate manager and/or service. When the service no longer exists, this has to take place by means of a revocation request. |
Comment | - |
3.2.6 Criteria for interoperation
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
3.3 Identification and authentication for re-key requests
3.3.1 Identification and authentication for routine re-key
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
3.3.2 Identification and authentication for re-key after revocation
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
3.4 Identification and authentication for revocation request
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.1 Certificate Application
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | Before a services server certificate is issued, the TSP must enter into an agreement with the subscriber and receive a certificate request signed by the certificate manager. The agreement must be signed by the Authorized Representative or Representation of the subscriber. |
Comment | - |
4.1.1 Who can submit a certificate application
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.1.2 Enrollment process and responsibilities
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.2 Certificate application processing
4.2.1 Performing identification and authentication functions
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.2.2 Approval or rejection of certificate applications
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.2.3 Time to process certificate applications
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.3 Certificate issuance
4.3.1 CA actions during certificate issuance
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.3.2 Notification to subscriber by the CA of issuance of Certificate
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.4 Certificate acceptance
4.4.1 Conduct constituting certificate acceptance
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.4.2 Publication of the certificate by the CA
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.4.3 Notification of certificate issuance by the CA to other Entities
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.5 Key pair and certificate usage
4.5.1 Subscriber private key and certificate usage
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.5.2 Relying party public key and certificate usage
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.6 Certificate renewal
4.6.1 Circumstance for certificate renewal
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.6.2 Who may request renewal
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.6.3 Processing certificate renewal requests
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.6.4 Notification of new certificate issuance to subscriber
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.6.5 Conduct constituting acceptance of a renewal certificate
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.6.6 Publication of the renewal certificate by the CA
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.6.7 Notification of certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.7 Certificate re-key
4.7.1 Circumstance for certificate re-key
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.7.2 Who may request certification of a new public key
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.7.3 Processing certificate re-keying requests
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.7.4 Notification of new certificate issuance to subscriber
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.7.5 Conduct constituting acceptance of a re-keyed certificate
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.7.6 Publication of the re-keyed certificate by the CA
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.7.7 Notification of certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.8 Certificate modification
4.8.1 Circumstance for certificate modification
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.8.2 Who may request certificate modification
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.8.3 Processing certificate modification requests
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.8.4 Notification of new certificate issuance to subscriber
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.8.5 Conduct constituting acceptance of modified certificate
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.8.6 Publication of the modified certificate by the CA
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.8.7 Notification of certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9 Certificate revocation and suspension
4.9.1 Circumstances for revocation
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | Certificates must be revoked when:
Comment | In addition, certificates can be revoked as a measure to prevent or to combat an emergency. Considered to be an emergency is definitely the compromise or suspected compromise of the private key of the TSP used to sign certificates. |
4.9.2 Who can request revocation
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9.3 Procedure for revocation request
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | In any case, the TSP has to use a CRL to make the certificate status information available. |
Comment | - |
4.9.4 Revocation request grace period
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9.5 Time within which CA must process the revocation request
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9.6 Revocation checking requirement for relying parties
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9.7 CRL issuance frequency (if applicable)
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The TSP has to update and reissue the CRL for end user certificates at least once every 7 calendar days and the date of the “Next update” field may not exceed the date of the “Effective date” field by 10 calendar days. |
Comment | - |
4.9.8 Maximum latency for CRLs (if applicable)
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9.9 On-line revocation/status checking availability
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The revocation management services of the TSP can support the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) as an addition to the publication of CRL information. If this support is available, this has to be stated in the CPS. |
Comment | If OCSP is offered the following requirements are applicable:
NB: (EV) server certificates MUST use OCSP services as stipulated in ETSI EN 319 411-1 and the Baseline Requirements. |
Description | If the TSP supports the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), this must conform to IETF RFC 6960. |
Comment | - |
Description | If the TSP supports OCSP, the information that is provided through OCSP has to be at least as equally up-to-date and reliable as the information that is published by means of a CRL, during the validity of the certificate that is issued and furthermore up to at least six months after the time at which the validity of the certificate has expired or, if that time is earlier, after the time at which the validity is ended by revocation. |
Comment | - |
Description | If the TSP supports OCSP, the TSP has to update the OCSP service at least once every 4 calendar days. The maximum expiry term of the OCSP responses is 10 calendar days. In addition OCSP responses must contain the “nextUpdate” field in conformance to RFC6960. |
Comment | - |
4.9.10 On-line revocation checking requirements
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9.11 Other forms of revocation advertisements available
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9.12 Special requirements related to key compromise
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9.13 Circumstances for suspension
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9.14 Who can request suspension
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9.15 Procedure for suspension request
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.9.16 Limits on suspension period
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.10 Certificate status services
4.10.1 Operational characteristics
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.10.2 Service availability
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.10.3 Optional features
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.11 End of subscription
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.12 Key escrow and recovery
4.12.1 Key escrow and recovery policy and practices
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
4.12.2 Session key encapsulation and recovery policy and practices
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.1 Physical controls
5.1.1 Site location and construction
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.1.2 Physical access
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.1.3 Power and air conditioning
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.1.4 Water exposures
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.1.5 Fire prevention and protection
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.1.6 Media storage
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.1.7 Waste disposal
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.1.8 Off-site backup
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.2 Procedural controls
5.2.1 Trusted roles
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.2.2 Number of persons required per task
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.2.3 Identification and authentication for each role
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.2.4 Roles requiring separation of duties
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.3 Personnel controls
5.3.1 Qualifications, experience, and clearance requirements
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.3.2 Background check procedures
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.3.3 Training requirements
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.3.4 Retraining frequency and requirements
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.3.5 Job rotation frequency and sequence
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.3.6 Sanctions for unauthorized actions
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.3.7 Independent contractor requirements
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.3.8 Documentation supplied to personnel
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.4 Audit logging procedures
5.4.1 Types of events recorded
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | Logging has to take place on at least:
At the very least, the TSP has to log the following events:
At the very least, the log files have to register the following:
Comment | Based on a risk analysis the TSP determines which data it should save. |
5.4.2 Frequency of processing log
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.4.3 Retention period for audit log
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.4.4 Protection of audit log
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.4.5 Audit log backup procedures
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.4.6 Audit collection system (internal vs. external)
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.4.7 Notification to event-causing subject
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.4.8 Vulnerability assessments
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.5 Records archival
5.5.1 Types of records archived
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The TSP MUST archive all information used to verify the identity of the subscriber, certificate manager and applicants of revocation requests. This information includes reference numbers of the documentation used for verification, including limitations concerning the validity. |
Comment | - |
5.5.2 Retention period for archive
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.5.3 Protection of archive
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.5.4 Archive backup procedures
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.5.5 Requirements for time-stamping of records
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.5.6 Archive collection system (internal or external)
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.5.7 Procedures to obtain and verify archive information
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.6 Key changeover
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.7 Compromise and disaster recovery
5.7.1 Incident and compromise handling procedures
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.7.2 Computing resources, software, and_or data are corrupted
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.7.3 Entity private key compromise procedures
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
5.7.4 Business continuity capabilities after a disaster
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The TSP has to draw up a business continuity plan (BCP) for, at the very least, the core services dissemination service, revocation management service and revocation status service, the aim being, in the event of a security breach or emergency, to inform, reasonably protect and to continue the TSP services for subscribers, relying parties and third parties (including browser parties). The TSP has to test, assess and update the BCP annually. At the very least, the BCP has to describe the following processes:
Comment | - |
5.8 CA or RA termination
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.1 Key pair generation and installation
6.1.1 Key pair generation
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The keys of certificate holders (or data for creating electronic signatures) have to be generated using a device that fulfils the requirements mentioned in EN 419 211 for QSCD’s or CWA 14169 for SSCD’s (transitional permission regime) "Secure signature-creation devices "EAL 4+"" or comparable security criteria. |
Comment | - |
Description | The algorithm and length of the cryptographic keys that the TSP uses to generate the keys of certificate holders must meet the requirements set in the list of cryptographic algorithms and key lengths, as defined in ETSI TS 119 312. In addition, the TSP must also follow the requirements described in Chapters 5.1 and 5.1.1 of the most current Mozilla Root Store Policy. The use of RSA-PSS is permitted, but is not recommended. |
Comment | Although ETSI TS 119 312 outlines the recommended algorithms and key lengths, these are compulsory within the PKI for the government. Requests relating to the use of other algorithms have to be submitted, along with the reasoning behind this, to the PA of the PKI for the government. |
Description | A TSP within PKIoverheid is not allowed to issue code signing certificates. |
Comment | - |
Description | Instead of the TSP generating the keys, the certificate manager MAY generate the keys of the services authenticity and encryption certificates in a SUD using PKCS#10 to deliver the CSR to the TSP for signing, under the following conditions:
Comment | - |
6.1.2 Private key delivery to subscriber
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.1.3 Public key delivery to certificate issuer
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.1.4 CA public key delivery to relying parties
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.1.5 Key sizes
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.1.6 Public key parameters generation and quality checking
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.1.7 Key usage purposes (as per X.509 v3 key usage field)
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.2 Private Key Protection and Cryptographic Module Engineering Controls
6.2.1 Cryptographic module standards and controls
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.2.2 Private key (n out of m) multi-person control
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.2.3 Private key escrow
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The TSP has to describe in the CPS which parties can have access to the private key of the confidentiality certificate held in Escrow and under which conditions. |
Comment | - |
Description | The authorized persons who can gain access to the private key of the confidentiality certificate held in Escrow by the TSP (if applicable), have to identify themselves using the valid documents listed in article 1 of the Compulsory Identification Act (Wet op de identificatieplicht), or a valid qualified certificate (limited to a PKIoverheid signature certificate or equivalent). |
Comment | - |
6.2.4 Private key backup
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.2.5 Private key archival
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.2.6 Private key transfer into or from a cryptographic module
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.2.7 Private key storage on cryptographic module
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.2.8 Method of activating private key
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.2.9 Method of deactivating private key
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.2.10 Method of destroying private key
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.2.11 Cryptographic Module Rating
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | Instead of demonstrating compliance with CWA 14169 (for SSCD’s or SUD’s) or EN 419 211 (for QSCD’s), TSPs can issue or recommend SSCDs, SUDs or QSCDs that are certified in line with a different protection profile against the Common Criteria (ISO/IEC 15408) at level EAL4+ or that have a comparable security level. This has to be established by a test laboratory that is accredited for performing Common Criteria evaluations. |
Comment | - |
Description | Secure devices issued or recommended by the TSP for storage of keys (SUDs) have to fulfil the requirements laid down in document CWA 14169 "Secure signature-creation devices "EAL 4+"" |
Comment | - |
6.3 Other aspects of key pair management
6.3.1 Public key archival
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.3.2 Certificate operational periods and key pair usage periods
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | Private keys that are used by a certificate holder and issued under the responsibility of this CP must not be used for more than five years. The certificates, which are issued under the responsibility of this CP, must not be valid for more than five years. |
Comment | - |
6.4 Activation data
6.4.1 Activation data generation and installation
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The TSP attaches activation data to the use of a SUD, SSCD or QSCD, to protect the private keys of the certificate holders. |
Comment | The requirements that the activation data (for example the PIN code) have to fulfil can be determined by the TSPs themselves based on, for example, a risk analysis. Requirements that could be considered are the length of the PIN code and use of special characters. |
Description | An unlocking code can only be used if the TSP can guarantee that, at the very least, the security requirements are fulfilled that are laid down in respect of the use of the activation data. |
Comment | - |
6.4.2 Activation data protection
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.4.3 Other aspects of activation data
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.5 Computer security controls
6.5.1 Specific computer security technical requirements
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.5.2 Computer security rating
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.6 Life cycle technical controls
6.6.1 System development controls
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.6.2 Security management controls
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.6.3 Life cycle security controls
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.7 Network security controls
6.7.1 Network security controls (duplicate)
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
6.8 Time-stamping
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.1 Certificate profile
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The certificate extension Extended Key Usage MUST be present, MUST NOT be marked “critical”, and MUST contain at least the following KeyPurposIds: For a services authentication certificate:
For a services confidentiality certificate:
For a seal certificate
The KeyPurposeId id-kp-serverAuth MUST NOT be present, the KeyPurposeId id-kp-codeSigning MUST NOT be present, the KeyPurposeId AnyextendedKeyusage MUST NOT be present and any KeyPurposeId solely intended to identify a service based on its FQDN MUST NOT be present. Specifically for G2 certificates any other KeyPurposeId defined in an open or accepted standard corresponding to the key usage as indicated by the KeyUsage extension MAY be present. In the G3 and following generations this extension MAY NOT be present. The above should take into account the EKUs included in the issuing TSP CA. If the issuing TSP CA is not provided with the mandatory EKUs stated above, these MAY NOT be included in the end-user certificate. |
Comment | - |
Description | The serial number of all end-user certificates must meet the following requirements:
Comment | - |
7.1.1 Version number(s)
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.1.2 Certificate extensions
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.1.3 Algorithm object identifiers
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.1.4 Name forms
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.1.5 Name constraints
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.1.6 Certificate policy object identifier
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.1.7 Usage of Policy Constraints extension
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.1.8 Policy qualifiers syntax and semantics
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.1.9 Processing semantics for the critical Certificate Policies extension
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.2 CRL profile
7.2.1 Version number(s)
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.2.2 CRL and CRL entry extensions
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.3 OCSP profile
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | If the TSP supports the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), the TSP has to use OCSP certificates and responses in accordance with the requirements laid down in this respect in appendix A of the Basic Requirements, "CRL and OCSP certificate Profiles for certificate status information ". |
Comment | - |
7.3.1 Version number(s)
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
7.3.2 OCSP extensions
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
8.1 Frequency or circumstances of assessment
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
8.2 Identity/qualifications of assessor
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
8.3 Assessors relationship to assessed entity
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
8.4 Topics covered by assessment
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | In addition to this PoR, issuing certificates SHALL undergo an audit in accordance with the following schemes:
Comment | - |
8.5 Actions taken as a result of deficiency
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
8.6 Communication of results
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.1 Fees
9.1.1 Certificate issuance or renewal fees
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.1.2 Certificate access fees
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.1.3 Revocation or status information access fees
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.1.4 Fees for other services
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.1.5 Refund policy
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.2 Financial responsibility
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | By means, for example, of insurance or its financial position, the TSP has to be able to cover third party recovery based on the types of liability mentioned in article 6:196b of the Civil Code (that relate to both direct and indirect damage) up to at least EUR 1,000,000 per annum. |
Comment | The third party recovery described above is based on a maximum number of certificates to be issued of 100,000 for each TSP, which is in line with the current situation. When TSPs are going to issue more certificates, it will be determined whether a suitable, higher, recoverableness will be required. |
9.2.1 Insurance coverage
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.2.2 Other assets
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.2.3 Insurance or warranty coverage for end-entities
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.3 Confidentiality of business information
9.3.1 Scope of confidential information
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.3.2 Information not within the scope of confidential information
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.3.3 Responsibility to protect confidential information
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.4 Privacy of personal information
9.4.1 Privacy plan
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.4.2 Information treated as private
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.4.3 Information not deemed private
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.4.4 Responsibility to protect private information
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.4.5 Notice and consent to use private information
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.4.6 Disclosure pursuant to judicial or administrative process
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.4.7 Other information disclosure circumstances
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.5 Intellectual property rights
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.6 Representations and warranties
9.6.1 CA representations and warranties
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | The TSP excludes all liability for damages if the certificate is not used in accordance with the certificate use described in paragraph 1.4. |
Comment | - |
9.6.2 RA representations and warranties
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.6.3 Subscriber representations and warranties
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.6.4 Relying party representations and warranties
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.6.5 Representations and warranties of other participants
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.7 Disclaimers of warranties
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.8 Limitations of liability
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Additional requirements:
Description | Within the scope of certificates as mentioned in paragraph 1.4 in this CP the TSP is not allowed to place restrictions on the use of certificates. |
Comment | - |
9.9 Indemnities
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.10 Term and termination
9.10.1 Term
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.10.2 Termination
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.10.3 Effect of termination and survival
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.11 Individual notices and communications with participants
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.12 Amendments
9.12.1 Procedure for amendment
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.12.2 Notification mechanism and period
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.12.3 Circumstances under which OID must be changed
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.13 Dispute resolution provisions
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.14 Governing law
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.15 Compliance with applicable law
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.16 Miscellaneous provisions
9.16.1 Entire agreement
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.16.2 Assignment
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.16.3 Severability
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.16.4 Enforcement (attorneys' fees and waiver of rights)
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.16.5 Force Majeure
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
9.17 Other provisions
Refer to Programme of Requirements part 3 Basic Requirements.
Appendix A: Certificate Profile
Profile of services authenticity and confidentiality certificates for the Private Services domain
When defining the fields and attributes within a certificate, the following codes are used:
V : Compulsory; indicates that the attribute is compulsory and MUST be used in the certificate.
O : Optional; indicates that the attribute is optional and MAY be used in the certificate.
A : Advised against; indicates that the attribute is advised against and SHOULD NOT be used in the certificate.
It is not allowed to use fields that are not specified in the certificate profiles.
For the extensions, fields/attributes are used that, in accordance with international standards, are critical, are marked in the 'Critical' column with 'yes' to show that the relevant attribute MUST be checked using a process by means of which a certificate is evaluated. Other fields/attributes are shown with 'no'.
Services certificates for authenticity and confidentiality - Private Services domain
Basic attributes
Field / Attribute | Criteria | Description | Standard reference | Type | Explanation |
Version | V | MUST be set at 2 (X.509v3). | RFC 5280 | Integer | Describes the version of the certificate, the value 2 stands for X.509 version 3. |
SerialNumber | V | A serial number that MUST uniquely identify the certificate within the publishing CA domain. | RFC 5280 | Integer | All end user certificates have to contain at least 8 bytes of unpredictable random data in the certificate's serial number (SerialNumber). |
Signature | V | MUST be created on the algorithm, as stipulated by the PA. | RFC 5280, ETSI TS 102176 | OID | This certificate MUST at least contain a 2048 bit RSA key. |
Issuer | V | MUST contain a Distinguished Name (DN). The field contains the following attributes: | PKIo, RFC3739, ETSI TS 102280 | Attributes other than those mentioned below MUST NOT be used. | |
Issuer.countryName | V | See requirement 7.1-pkio174 | ETSI TS101862, X520, ISO 3166 | Printable String | |
Issuer.OrganizationName | V | See requirement 7.1-pkio174 | ETSI TS 102280 | UTF8String | |
Issuer.organizationalUnitName | O | See requirement 7.1-pkio174 | ETSI TS 102280 | UTF8String | |
Issuer.serialNumber | O | See requirement 7.1-pkio174 | RFC 3739 | Printable String | |
Issuer.commonName | V | See requirement 7.1-pkio174 | PKIo, RFC 3739 | UTF8String | The commonName attribute MUST NOT be needed to identify the issuing government body (no part of the Distinguished Name, requirement from RFC 3739) |
Issuer.organizationIdentifier | V/N | The organizationIdentifier field contains an identification of the issuing CA. This field MUST be present when the subject.organizationIdentifier field is present in the TSP certificate and MUST NOT be present when this field is not part of the corresponding TSP certificate. | EN 319 412-1 | String | The syntax of the identification string is specified in paragraph 5.1.4 van ETSI EN 319 412-1 and contains:
Validity | V | MUST define the period of validity of the certificate according to RFC 5280. | RFC 5280 | UTCTime | MUST include the start and end date for validity of the certificate in accordance with the applicable policy laid down in the CPS. |
Subject | V | The attributes that are used to describe the subject (service) MUST mention the subject in a unique way and include information about the subscriber organization. The field has the following attributes: | PKIo, RFC3739, ETSI TS 102 280 | MUST contain a Distinguished Name (DN). Attributes other than those mentioned below MUST NOT be used. | |
Subject.countryName | V | complete C with two-letter country code in accordance with ISO 3166-1. If an official alpha-2 code is missing, the TSP MAY use the user-assigned code XX. | RFC 3739, X520, ISO 3166, PKIo | PrintableString | The country code that is used in Subject.countryName MUST correspond with the subscriber's address in accordance with the accepted document or registry. |
Subject.commonName | V | Name that identifies the service. In services certificates this field is compulsory |
RFC 3739, ETSI TS 102 280, PKIo | UTF8String | Incorporated in the subject.commonname is the function of an organizational entity or the name by which the service, device or system is known. This MAY be a local domain name or host name. |
Subject.organizationName | V | The full name of the subscriber's organization in accordance with the accepted document or Basic Registry. | PKIo | UTF8String | The subscriber organization is the organization with which the TSP has entered into an agreement and on behalf of which the certificate holder (service/server) communicates or acts. |
Subject.organizationIdentifier | V | The value of the subject:organizationIdentifier field SHALL contain EITHER:
EN 319 412-1 | String | TSPs wanting to use a register for legal person identifiers which could qualify as a "national scheme" as described in ETSI standard EN 319 412-1 Section 5.1.4 can apply at Logius for a two-character encoding identifying the relevant source. These encodings will be added to the PKIo CPS. OIN/HRN identifiers adhering to the "national scheme" clause in Section 5.1.4 of ETSI standard EN 319 412-1 are preferred from a standards perspective. This will however mean many governmental systems have to be altered, making this not a likely scenario for the forseeable future. |
Subject.stateOrProvinceName | A | The use is advised against. If present, this field MUST contain the province in which the subscriber is established in accordance with an accepted document or Basic registry. | PKIo, RFC 3739 | UTF8String | Name of the province MUST correspond with the address of the subscriber in accordance with the accepted document or registry. |
Subject.localityName | A | The use is advised against. If present, this field MUST contain the location of the subscriber in accordance with an accepted document or Basic registry. | PKIo, RFC 3739 | UTF8String | Name of the location MUST correspond with the address of the subscriber in accordance with the accepted document or registry. |
Subject.serialNumber | O | The TSP is responsible for safeguarding the uniqueness of the subject (service). The Subject.serialNumber MUST be used to identify the subject uniquely. The use of 20 positions is only allowed for OIN and HRN after additional arrangements with Logius. | RFC 3739, X 520, PKIo | Printable String | The number is determined by the TSP and/or the government. The number can differ for each domain and can be used for several applications. |
subjectPublicKeyInfo | V | Contains, among other things, the public key. | ETSI TS 102 280, RFC 3279 | Contains the public key, identifies the algorithm with which the key can be used. |
Standard extensions
Field / Attribute | Criteria | Critical? | Description | Standard reference | Type | Explanation |
authorityKeyIdentifier | V | No | The algorithm to generate the AuthorityKey MUST be created on an algorithm determined by the PA. | ETSI TS 102 280, RFC 5280 | BitString | The value MUST contain the SHA-1 hash from the authorityKey (public key of the TSP/CA). |
SubjectKeyIdentifier | V | No | The algorithm to generate the subjectKey MUST be created on an algorithm determined by the PA. | RFC 5280 | BitString | The value MUST contain the SHA-1 hash from the subjectKey (public key of the certificate holder). |
KeyUsage | V | Yes | The attribute extension specifies the intended purpose of the key incorporated in the certificate. In the PKI for the government, for each certificate type various bits are incorporated in the keyUsage extension. In authenticity certificates the digitalSignature bit MUST be incorporated and marked as being essential. Another keyUsage MUST NOT be combined with this. In confidentiality certificates, keyEncipherment and dataEncipherment bits MUST be incorporated and marked as being essential. Another keyUsage MUST NOT be combined with this. |
RFC 3739, RFC 5280, ETSI TS 102 280 | BitString | |
CertificatePolicies | V | No | MUST contain the OID of the Certificate Policy (CP) and the URI of the Certification Practice Statement (CPS), and MAY contain a user notice. The TSP SHOULD use UTF8String in the userNotice field, but MAY use IA5String. ALL certificates issued with their private key residing on an SSCD (qualified or not) SHOULD contain the ETSI NCP+ OID []; those issued with their private key NOT residing on an SSCD (qualified or not) SHOULD contain the ETSI NCP OID []. Certificates issued as EU qualified certificates to natural persons with their private key residing in a QSCD, SHOULD contain an additional ETSI QCP-l-qscd OID [], or an additional ETSI QCP-l OID of [] when their private key does not reside on a QSCD. |
RFC 3739 | OID, String, UTF8String or IA5String | An overview of all Certificate Policy OIDs can be found in the document "PKIoverheid registered OIDs". In the Private Services domain the OIDs for Authenticity and Confidentiality certificates are:
SubjectAltName | V | No | MUST be used and given a worldwide unique number that identifies the service. | RFC 4043, RFC 5280, PKIo, ETSI 102 280 | MUST include a unique identifier in the othername attribute for services certificates. Attributes other than those mentioned below MUST NOT be used. | |
SubjectAltName.otherName | O | MAY contain an extensions:subjectAltName extension with one or more otherName attributes in its extValue field. An otherName attribute is an object consisting out of a sequence of a type-id field and a value field. Each otherName attribute SHALL contain a value to uniquely identify the subject for which the other permitted subject attributes do not qualify. The type-id field of an otherName attribute SHALL contain one of the following OIDs:
The value field related to otherName attribute type Microsoft User Principal Name (MSUPN):
The value field related to otherName attribute IA5String:
The value field related to otherName attribute Permanent Identifier contains aPermanentIdentifier object, consisting out of a sequence of an identifierValue and an assigner field. The PermanentIdentifier:identifierValue field:
The PermanentIdentifier:assigner field SHALL contain OID '<TSP OID>'. The value field related to otherName attribute PKIo-arc OID is described in the PKIo-arc OID document. The <TSP OID> consists out of an OID arc number which:
The <Subscriber number> consists out of a number which:
PKIo | See description. | Normally, otherName attribute type Microsoft User Principal Name (MSUPN) is used for Single Sign-On (SSO) purposes. | |
SubjectAltName.rfc822Name | A | MAY be used for the service's e-mail address, for applications that need the e-mail address in order to be able to function properly. | RFC 5280 | IA5String | For PKIoverheid certificates, the use of e-mail addresses is advised against, because e-mail addresses of certificate holders often change and are susceptible to spam. | |
BasicConstraints | O | Yes | This field SHALL have its cA sub-field set to its DEFAULT value (FALSE) resulting in an encoded certificate NOT including the cA sub-field. The optional pathLenConstraint sub-field SHALL NOT be included. | RFC 5280 | ITU-T Recommendation X.690 (07/2002) on ASN.1 encoding rules states in Section 5.8: "The encoding of a set value or sequence value shall not include an encoding for any component value which is equal to its default value". Stating in the description that "encoded certificates do NOT include the cA sub-field" therefore is redundant. However, in the past some TSPs employed CA-issuing software which did not do proper ASN.1 encoding resulting in a wrongfully included cA sub-field in encoded certificates. This encoding error resulted in some PKIX software rejecting these certificates. This redundant information therefore has to be regarded as a cautionary hint for TSPs to check their actual certificate encoding for these errors. Chances of this encoding bug still existing in ASN.1 encoding software are however slim since the last mention of such a bug on BugZilla is from 2016. | |
CRLDistributionPoints | V | No | MUST include the URI of a CRL distribution point. | RFC 5280, ETSI TS 102 280 | The reference MUST be accessible through the http or LDAP protocol. The attribute Reason MUST NOT be used, reference MUST be made to 1 CRL for all types of reasons for revocation. In addition to CRL, other types of certificate status information service MAY be supported. | |
ExtKeyUsage | V | No | RFC 5280 | KeyPurposeId's | See requirement 7.1-pkio150. |
Private extensions
Field / Attribute | Criteria | Critical? | Description | Standard reference | Type | Explanation |
authorityInfoAccess | O | No | This attribute MUST include the URI of an OCSP responder if Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) plays a role. | This field can optionally be used to reference other additional information about the TSP. |