Programme of Requirements part 3h: Certificate Policy for Server certificates in Private Services (G1) Domain v4.7

Table of Contents

1 Introduction to the Certificate Policy

1.1 Overview

This is part 3h of the Programme of Requirements (PoR) for the PKI for the government and is known as the Certificate Policy (CP). Set out in the PoR are the standards for the PKI for the government. This section relates to the requirements laid down for the services of a Trust Service Provider (TSP) within the PKI for the government. Within the PKI for the government , a distinction is made between various root certificates and underlying domains. This document only relates to the private server certificates issued by TSPs in the Private Services domain under the private root certificate.

Certificates which are issued under the private root certificate are not publicly trusted by browsers or other applications. The scope of these certificates is primarily a closed usergroup within which an agreement has been reached regarding the use of the PKIoverheid Private Root.

This chapter includes a brief explanation of the CP. A more detailed explanation regarding the background and structure of the PKI for the government, as well as the cohesion between the various parts within the PoR is included in part 1 of the PoR.

For a list of the definitions and abbreviations used in this section, please refer to part 4 of the PoR.

1.1.1 Design of the Certificate Policy

As stated in part 1 of the PoR, the requirements that form part of the CP consist of requirements 1:

  • that ensue from the Dutch legal framework in relation to the electronic signature;

  • that ensue from the latest version of the ETSI EN 319 411-1 standard where policy NCP is applicable for server certificates (extendedKeyUsage client and server authentication).;

  • that are specifically drawn up by and for the PKIoverheid.

Incorporated in chapters 2 to 9 inclusive are references to the specific PKIoverheid requirements in the Additional Requirements. The table below shows the structure of the reference to the actualPKIoverheid requirement (PKIo requirement).

RFC 3647 Reference to the paragraph from the RFC 3647 structure to which the PKIo requirement relates. RFC 3647 is a PKIX framework of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and is the de facto standard for the structure of Certificate Policies and Certification Practice Statements2.
Number Unique number of the PKIo requirement. In each paragraph, consecutive numbering is used for the PKIo requirements. In combination with the RFC 3647 paragraph number, this forms a unique label for the PKIo requirement.

This CP also includes a number of provisions that are not formulated as PKIo requirements. These provisions do not make any demands on the TSPs within the PKI for the government, but do apply as a policy to the PKI for the government. This concerns provisions from paragraphs 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 8, 9.12.1, 9.12.2, 9.14 and 9.17.

The profiles used within PKIoverheid relating to the services certificates are listed in appendix A. The status information is listed in the basic requirements.

1.1.2 Status

This is version 4.7 of part 3h of the PoR. The current version has been updated up to and including 8 February 2019.

The PA has devoted the utmost attention and care to the data and information incorporated in this CP. Nevertheless, it is possible that there are inaccuracies and imperfections. The PA accepts no liability for damage resulting from these inaccuracies or imperfections, nor is any liability assumed for damage caused by the use or distribution of this CP, if this CP is used for purposes other than for the use of certificates described in paragraph 1.4 of this CP.

1.2 References to this CP

Within the PKI for the government multiple root certificates are in use for the regular – publicly trusted – root, the TRAIL root, the EV root and the private – not publicly trusted – root. Each of these root certificates contains a hierarchy consisting of differen domains. Each domain has its own specific domain structure.

Furthermore these root certificates often have multiple active generations or versions (g1, g2, g3). In addition the different PKI for the government structures or roots are based both on the SHA-1 algorithm (regular root G1) and the SHA-256 algorithm (regular root G2 and G3).

Each type of certificate within PKIoverheid is uniquely identified by an OID. The OIDs of the Certificate Policies of this part of the Programme of Requirements are in accordance with the following schedule.

Private Services Domain:

for the private server certificate within the Private Services domain, that contains the public key for authenticity and confidentiality.

Under this OID OCSP certificates may be issued for use within the context of this CP part.

The OID is structured as follows: {joint-iso-itu-t (2). country (16). the Netherlands (528). Dutch organization (1). Dutch government (1003). PKI for the government (1). CP (2). private services domain (8). server (6). version number}.

If requirements only apply to one or two types of certificates, this is expressly specified by stating the Object Identifier (OID) referencing the applicable CP or CPs.

1.3 User Community

Within the Private Services domain, the user community consists of subscribers who are organizational entities within the government and business community (see PKIo 3.2.2-pkio4) and of certificate holders, who also belong to these subscribers. In addition there are relying parties, who act with a reliance on certificates of the relevant certificate holders.

The parties within the user community are subscribers, certificate managers, certificate holders and relying parties.

  • A subscriber is a natural or legal personality who enters into an agreement with a TSP on behalf of one or more certificate holders for the certification of public keys.

  • A certificate holder is an entity, characterized in a certificate as the holder of the private key that is linked to the public key provided in the certificate. The certificate holder is part of an organizational entity, for which a subscriber is the contracting party.

    Within the Certificate Policy Private Server Certificates, the term certificate holder means a device or a system (a non-natural person), operated by or on behalf of an organizational entity.

  • A certificate manager is a natural person who performs actions on behalf of the subscriber in respect of the certificate holder's certificate. The subscriber instructs the certificate manager to perform the relevant actions and records these in a certificate manager's testimony.

  • A relying party is every natural or legal personality who is a recipient of a certificate and who acts with a reliance on that certificate. Other than for personal certificates, relying parties mainly derive security from the connection of a service (device or feature) to the organizational entity to which the service belongs. This CP therefore places the emphasis on providing certainty about the connection of a message sent by or a web service provided by a device or system with the relevant organization. In view of this, establishing the identity of the certificate holder (device) is less important than establishing the certificate holder's connection to the organizational entity.

1.4 Certificate Usage

The use of certificates issued under this CP relates to communication from certificate holders who act on behalf of the subscriber.

[OID 2.16.528.1.1003.]

Server certificates that are issued under this CP, can be used to secure a connection between a specific client and a server that is part of the organizational entity listed as the subscriber in the relevant certificate.

Under this OID OCSP responder certificates may be issued for use within the domain Private Services. Said certificates can be used to sign OCSP responses for use in the verification of the validity of the end user certificate. More information can be obtained in appendix A of the base requirements.

1.5 Contact Information Policy Authority

The PA is responsible for this CP. Questions relating to this CP can be put to the PA; the address can be found at:

2 Publication and Repository Responsibilities

2.1 Electronic Repository

Contains no additional requirements.

2.2 Publication of TSP Information

RFC 3647 2.2 Publication of TSP Information
Number 2.2-pkio8
RFC 3647 2.2 Publication of TSP Information
Number 2.2-pkio157
RFC 3647 2.2 Publication of TSP Information
Number 2.2-pkio168

3 Identification and Authentication

3.1 Naming

Contains no additional requirements.

3.2 Initial Identity Validation

RFC 3647 3.2.1. Method to prove possession of the private key
Number 3.2.1-pkio13
RFC 3647 3.2.2 Authentication of organizational entity
Number 3.2.2-pkio4
RFC 3647 3.2.2 Authentication of organizational entity
Number 3.2.2-pkio144
RFC 3647 3.2.3 Authentication of individual identity
Number 3.2.3-pkio22
RFC 3647 3.2.3 Authentication of individual identity
Number 3.2.3-pkio24
RFC 3647 3.2.3 Authentication of individual identity
Number 3.2.3-pkio26
RFC 3647 3.2.5 Validation of authority
Number 3.2.5-pkio30
RFC 3647 3.2.5 Validation of authority
Number 3.2.5-pkio33
RFC 3647 3.2.5 Authorization of the certificate holder
Number 3.2.5-pkio146
RFC 3647 3.2.5 Authorization of the certificate holder
Number 3.2.5-pkio162

3.3 Identification and Authentication for Re-key Requests

Contains no additional requirements.

4 Certificate Life-Cycle Operational Requirements

4.1 Certificate Application

RFC 3647 4.1 Certificate Application
Number 4.1-pkio47

4.2 Certificate Acceptance

Contains no additional requirements.

4.3 Key Pair and Certificate Usage

Contains no additional requirements.

4.4 Revocation and Suspension of Certificates

RFC 3647 4.9.1 Circumstances for revocation
Number 4.9.1-pkio52
RFC 3647 4.9.3 Procedure for revocation request
Number 4.9.3-pkio57
RFC 3647 4.9.7 CRL issuance frequency
Number 4.9.7-pkio65
RFC 3647 4.9.9 On-line revocation/status checking availability
Number 4.9.9-pkio66
RFC 3647 4.9.9 On-line revocation/status checking availability
Number 4.9.9-pkio67
RFC 3647 4.9.9 On-line revocation/status checking availability
Number 4.9.9-pkio70
RFC 3647 4.9.9 On-line revocation/status checking availability
Number 4.9.9-pkio71

4.5 Certificate Status Services

Contains no additional requirements.

5 Facility, Management and Operational Controls

5.1 Procedural Controls

Contains no additional requirements.

5.2 Personnel Controls

Contains no additional requirements.

5.3 Audit Logging Procedures

RFC 3647 5.4.1 Types of events recorded
Number 5.4.1-pkio80

5.4 Records Archival

RFC 3647 5.5.1 Types of events recorded
Number 5.5.1-pkio82

5.5 Compromise and Disaster Recovery

RFC 3647 5.7.4 Business continuity capabilities after a disaster.
Number 5.7.4-pkio86

6 Technical Security Controls

6.1 Key Pair Generation and Installation

RFC 3647 6.1.1 Key pair generation for the TSP sub CA
Number 6.1.1-pkio87
RFC 3647 6.1.1 Key pair generation for the TSP sub CA
Number 6.1.1-pkio89
RFC 3647 6.1.1 Key pair generation for the certificate holders
Number 6.1.1-pkio91
RFC 3647 6.1.1 Key pair generation for the certificate holders
Number 6.1.1-pkio92

6.2 Private Key Protection and Cryptographic Module Engineering Controls

RFC 3647 6.2.11 Cryptographic module rating
Number 6.2.11-pkio125
RFC 3647 6.2.11 Cryptographic module rating
Number 6.2.11-pkio105
RFC 3647 6.2.11 Cryptographic module rating
Number 6.2.11-pkio107

6.3 Other Aspects of Key Pair Management

Contains no additional requirements.

6.4 Activation data

RFC 3647 6.4.1 Activation data generation and installation
Number 6.4.1-pkio112
RFC 3647 6.4.1 Activation data generation and installation
Number 6.4.1-pkio113

6.5 Computer Security Controls

Contains no additional requirements.

6.6 Life Cycle Technical Controls

Contains no additional requirements.

6.7 Network Security Controls

Contains no additional requirements.

7 Certificate, CRL and OSCP profiles

7.1 Certificate Profile

RFC 3647 7.1 Certificate profile
Number 7.1-pkio177
RFC 3647 7.1 Certificate profile
Number 7.1-pkio165

7.2 CRL Profile

Contains no additional requirements.

7.3 OCSP Profile

RFC 3647 7.3 OCSP profile
Number 7.3-pkio123

8 Compliance Audit and Other Assessments

All subjects relating to the conformity assessment of the TSPs within the PKI for the government are covered in PoR part 2 And the Basic Requirements.

9 Other Business and Legal Matters

9.1 Financial Responsibility

RFC 3647 9.2.1 Insurance coverage
Number 9.2.1-pkio124

9.2 Intellectual Property Rights

Contains no additional requirements.

9.3 Representations and Warranties

RFC 3647 9.6.1 CA Representations and Warranties by TSPs
Number 9.6.1-pkio128
RFC 3647 9.6.1 CA Representations and Warranties by TSPs
Number 9.6.1-pkio132

9.4 Limitations of Liability

RFC 3647 9.8 Limitations of liability
Number 9.8pkio133

9.5 Amendments

Contains no additional requirements.

9.6 Dispute Resolution Procedures

Contains no additional requirements.

9.7 Governing Law

Contains no additional requirements.

9.8 Miscellaneous provisions

Contains no additional requirements.

If by judicial decision one or more provisions of this CP are declared to be invalid or not applicable, this does not affect the validity and applicability of all other provisions.

10 Appendix A Certificate Profile

Profile of server certificates for the Private Services domain

10.1 Criteria

When defining the fields and attributes within a certificate, the following codes are used:

  • V : Compulsory; indicates that the attribute is compulsory and MUST be used in the certificate.

  • O : Optional; indicates that the attribute is optional and MAY be used in the certificate.

  • A : Advised against; indicates that the attribute is advised against and SHOULD NOT be used in the certificate.

It is not allowed to use fields that are not specified in the certificate profiles.

For the extensions, fields/attributes are used that, in accordance with international standards, are critical, are marked in the 'Critical' column with 'yes' to show that the relevant attribute MUST be checked using a process by means of which a certificate is evaluated. Other fields/attributes are shown with 'no'.

10.1.1 Basic attributes

Field / Attribute C r i t e r i a Description Standard r eference Type Explanation
Version V MUST be set at 2 (X.509v3). RFC 5280 Integer Describes the version of the certificate, the value 2 stands for X.509 version 3.
SerialNumber V A serial number that MUST uniquely identify the certificate within the publishing CA domain. RFC 5280 Integer All end user certificates have to contain at least 8 bytes of unpredictable random data in the certificate's serial number (SerialNumber).
Signature V MUST be created on the algorithm, as stipulated by the PA. RFC 5280, ETSI TS 102176 OID This certificate MUST contain at least a 2048 bit RSA key.
Issuer V MUST contain a Distinguished Name (DN). The field contains the following attributes: PKIo, RFC3739, ETSI TS 102280 Attributes other than those mentioned below MUST NOT be used.
Issuer.countryName V See requirement 7.1-pkio174 ETSI T S101862, X520, ISO 3166 P rintable String
Issu er.OrganizationName V See requirement 7.1-pkio174 ETSI TS 102280 UT F8String
Issuer. org anizationalUnitName O See requirement 7.1-pkio174 ETSI TS 102280 UT F8String
Issuer.serialNumber O See requirement 7.1-pkio174 RFC 3739 P rintable String
Issuer.commonName V See requirement 7.1-pkio174 PKIo, RFC 3739 UT F8String The commonName attribute MUST NOT be needed to identify the issuing government body (no part of the Distinguished Name, requirement from RFC 3739) anizationIdentifier V The organizationIdentifier field contains an identification of the issuing CA. This field MUST be present when the subject .organizationIdentifier field is present in the TSP certificate and MUST NOT be present when this field is not part of the corresponding TSP certificate. EN 319 412-1 String

The syntax of the identification string is specified in paragraph 5.1.4 van ETSI EN 319 412-1 and contains:

  • 3 character legal person identity type reference;

  • 2 character ISO 3166 [2] country code;

  • hyphen-minus "-" (0x2D (ASCII), U+002D (UTF-8)); and

  • identifier (according to country and identity type reference).

Validity V MUST define the period of validity of the certificate according to RFC 5280. RFC 5280 UTCTime MUST include the start and end date for validity of the certificate in accordance with the applicable policy laid down in the CPS.
Subject V The attributes that are used to describe the subject (service) MUST mention the subject in a unique way and include information about the subscriber organization. The field has the following attributes: PKIo, RFC3739, ETSI TS 102 280 MUST contain a Distinguished Name (DN). Attributes other than those mentioned below MUST NOT be used.
Subject.countryName V complete C with two-letter country code in accordance with ISO 3166-1. If an official alpha-2 code is missing, the TSP MAY use the user-assigned code XX. RFC 3739, X520, ISO 3166, PKIo Printab leString The country code that is used in Subject.countryName MUST correspond with the subscriber's address in accordance with the accepted document or registry.
Subject.commonName A Name that identifies the server. RFC 3739, ETSI TS 102 280, PKIo UT F8String

See requirement 7.1-pkio165 for requirements for the content of this field

See requirement 3.2.5-pkio162 for validation

Subje ct.organizationName V The full name of the subscriber's organization in accordance with the accepted document or Basic Registry. PKIo UT F8String The subscriber organization is the organization with which the TSP has entered into an agreement and on behalf of which the certificate holder (service / server) communicates or acts. anizationalUnitName O Optional specification of an organizational entity. This attribute MUST NOT include a function indication or similar. PKIo This attribute MAY appear several times. The field MUST contain a valid name of an organizational entity of the subscriber in accordance with an accepted document or registry.
Subject. stateOrProvinceName A The use of this attribute is advised against. If present it MUST include the province of the subscriber's branch, in accordance with the accepted document or Basic registry. PKIo, RFC 3739 UT F8String Name of the province MUST correspond with the address of the subscriber in accordance with the accepted document or registry.
S ubject.localityName A The use of this attribute is advised against. If present it MUST include the location of the subscriber, in accordance with the accepted document or Basic registry. PKIo, RFC 3739 UT F8String Name of the location MUST correspond with the address of the subscriber in accordance with the accepted document or registry.
Su bject.postalAddress A The use is advised against. If present, this field MUST contain the postal address of the subscriber in accordance with an accepted document or Basic registry. PKIo, RFC 3739 UT F8String The address MUST correspond with the address of the subscriber in accordance with the accepted document or registry.
S ubject.serialNumber O The TSP is responsible for safeguarding the uniqueness of the subject (service). The Subject.serialNumber MUST be used to identify the subject uniquely. The use of 20 positions is only allowed for OIN and HRN after additional arrangements with Logius. RFC 3739, X 520, PKIo P rintable String The number is determined by the TSP and/or the government. The number can differ for each domain and can be used for several applications.
s ubjectPublicKeyInfo V Contains, among other things, the public key. ETSI TS 102 280, RFC 3279 Contains the public key, identifies the algorithm with which the key can be used.

10.1.2 Standard extensions

Field / Attribute C r i t e r i a C r i t i c a l ? Description Standard r eference Type Explanation
aut horityKeyIdentifier V N o The algorithm to generate the AuthorityKey MUST be created on an algorithm determined by the PA. ETSI TS 102 280, RFC 5280 B itString The value MUST contain the SHA-1 hash from the authorityKey (public key of the TSP/CA).
S ubjectKeyIdentifier V N o The algorithm to generate the subjectKey MUST be created on an algorithm determined by the PA. RFC 5280 B itString The value MUST contain the SHA-1 hash from the subjectKey (public key of the certificate holder).
KeyUsage V Y e s

The attribute extension specifies the intended purpose of the key incorporated in the certificate. In the PKI for the government, for each certificate type various bits are incorporated in the keyUsage extension.

In server certificates the digitalSignature, keyEncipherment and keyAgreement bits MUST be incorporated and marked as being essential. Another keyUsage MUST NOT be combined with this.

RFC 3739, RFC 5280, ETSI TS 102 280 B itString
CertificatePolicies V N o MUST contain the OID of the certificate policy (CP), the URI of the certification practice statement (CPS), and a user notice. The applicable PKI for the government OID scheme is described in the CP. The TSP SHOULD use UTF8String in the userNotice, but MAY use IA5String. RFC 3739 OID, String, UT F8String or I A5String Reference to the paragraph numbers of the PoR/CP in the user notice is advised against because the persistency of this cannot be guaranteed (unlike the OID number of the CP).
SubjectAltName V N o MUST be used and given a worldwide unique identifier that identifies the server. RFC 4043, RFC 5280, PKIo, ETSI 102 280

It is preferred to use FQDNs as a unique identifier.

When using FQDNs these are incorporated in the dnsName field.

If it is not possible or preferable to use a FQDN as a unique identifier the otherName field MUST be used.

Attributes other than those mentioned below MUST NOT be used.

Subject AltName.dNSName3 V / O Name that identifies the server. RFC2818, RFC5280 I A5String

See requirement 7.1-pkio165 for requirements for the content of this field

See requirement 3.2.5-pkio162 for validation requirements

Subje ctAltName.iPAddress O N o Contains a public IP address RFC 5280, RFC 791, RFC 2460 Octet string

See requirement 7.1-pkio165 for requirements for the content of this field

See requirement 3.2.5-pkio162 for validation requirements for the data entered in this field

Subje ctAltName.otherName V / O When the otherName field is used it contains a unique number that identifies the subject (service). PKIo IA 5String, M i­crosoft UPN, IBM Princi pal-Name of Perm anent-Id entifier Contains the OID of the TSP and a number, separated by a period or hyphen ('-'), that uniquely and persistently identifies the subject (service). It is recommended to use an existing registration number from the backoffice systems in combination with a code for the organization. In combination with the TSP OID number this identifier is globally unique. This number MUST be persistent.
BasicConstraints O Y e s The "CA" field MUST be omitted (default value is then "FALSE"). RFC 5280

A (Dutch language) browser can then be seen:

Subjecttype = Eindentiteit", "Beperking voor padlengte = Geen ("Subjecttype = End Entity", "Path length constraint = None")

CR LDistributionPoints V N o MUST include the URI of a CRL distribution point. RFC 5280, ETSI TS 102 280 The reference MUST be accessible through the http or LDAP protocol. The attribute Reason MUST NOT be used, reference MUST be made to 1 CRL for all types of reasons for revocation. In addition to CRL, other types of certificate status information service MAY be supported.
ExtKeyUsage V N o Extension that indicates for which application the certificate can be used. RFC 5280 KeyPurp oseId's In server certificates this extension MUST be included, this extension MUST NOT be labelled “critical” and this extension MUST include the KeyPurposIds id-kp-serverAuth and id-kp-clientAuth.
FreshestCRL O N o MUST contain the URI of a Delta CRL distribution point, if Delta CRLs are used. RFC 5280, PKIo Delta-CRLs are an optional extension. In order to fulfil the requirements of PKIoverheid a TSP MUST also publish full CRLs at the required release frequency.

10.1.3 Private extensions

Field / Attribute Criteria Critical? Description Standard reference Type Explanation
authorityInfoAccess O No This attribute MUST include the URI of an OCSP responder if Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) plays a role. This field can optionally be used to reference other additional information about the TSP.
SubjectInfoAccess O No RFC 5280 OID, Generalname This field can be used to reference additional information about the subject.

11 Revisions

11.1 Amendments from version 4.6 to 4.7

11.1.1 New

  • Requirement 7.1-pkio177 (effective date immediately after publication of PoR 4.7)

  • Requirement 7.1-pkio165 (effective date immediately after publication of the PoR 4.7)

  • Requirement 2.2-pkio168 (effective date immediately after publication of PoR 4.7)

  • Requirement 3.2.5-pkio162 (effective date immediately after publication of PoR 4.7)

11.1.2 Modifications

  • Description of a number of certificate attributes replaced by reference to requirement 7.1-pkio174 (effective date 8 weeks after publication PoR 4.7)

  • Reference to CWA 14 169 amended to EN 419 211 for QSCDs. This also sets requirements for the issuance of QSCDs for requirements 6.2.11-pkio105, 6.4.1-pkio112 and 4.9.1-pkio52 (effective date immediately after publication of PoR 4.7)

11.2 Amendments from version 4.5 to 4.6

11.2.1 Modifications

  • Corrected subjectAltName.othername field (effective date directly after publication of PoR 4.6)

11.3 Amendments from version 4.4 to 4.5

11.3.1 New

  • Possibility to offer CPS in English and/or Dutch (requirement 2.2-pkio157, effective date 1-10-2017)

  • Mandatory yearly renewal CPS (requirement 2.2-pkio156, effective date 1-1-2017)

11.3.2 Modifications

  • Requirement 4.9.9-pkio67 now references RFC6960 instead of RFC2560 (effective date 31-12-2016)

  • Change in OID 2.16.528.1.1003. to also cover OCSP responder certificates (effective date 1-7-2017)

  • Mandatory use of field “NextUpdate” in OCSP responses (requirement 4.9.9-pkio71, effective date 1-7-2017)

11.4 Amendments from version 4.3 to 4.4

11.4.1 New


11.4.2 Modifications

  • Clarification of issuer.organizationIdentifier field (effective date 1-2-2017)

  • Tightening of use optional EKUs that conflict with the parent TSP CA certificate (effective date 1-2-2017)

  • Removed requirement 5.3.2-pkio79 (effective date 1-2-2017)

11.4.3 Editorial

  • Modified the field “ExtKeyUsage from critical to non-critical (solving conflict between the description and the field value)

  • Replaced CSP (Certificate Service Provider) with TSP (Trust Service Provider) in accordance with eIDAS directive.

11.5 Amendments from version 4.2 to 4.3

11.5.1 New

  • Addition of Issuer.organizationalIdentifier in the certificate profile (effective date 1-7-2016)

11.5.2 Modifications

  • Description with attribute CertificatePolicies (effective date 1-7-2016)

  • Removal of optional use KeyAgreement with Key Usage (effective date no later than 4 weeks after publication of PoR 4.3)

  • ETSI TS 102 176-1 replaced by ETSI TS 119 312 (effective date no later than 4 weeks after publication of PoR 4.3)

  • Removal of requirement pkio95 due to duplicate with ETSI EN 319 411-1

  • Use of values in the BasicConstraints field no longer permitted in end entity certificates (effective date 1-7-2016)

  • ETSI TS 102 042 replaced by ETSI EN 319 411-1 (effective date 1-7-2016 or when the accreditation to the certifying body has been granted with a final date of 30 June 2017)

11.5.3 Editorial


11.6 Amendments from version 4.1 to 4.2

11.6.1 New


11.6.2 Modifications

  • Change in subjectAltName in certificate profile (effective date direct after publication PoR)

11.6.3 Editorial


11.7 Amendments from version 4.0 to 4.1

11.7.1 New

Not applicable.

11.7.2 Modifications

Not applicable

11.7.3 Editorial

  • Small editorial modificatoin to the following requirements:

    • Requirement 5.7.4-pkio86.

  1. For an explanation regarding the positioning of the requirements applicable within the PKI for the government, please refer to part 1 of the PoR.↩︎

  2. Chapters 2 to 9 inclusive only include those paragraphs from RFC 3647 to which a PKIorequirement applies.↩︎

  3. This field/attribute has to be included in certificates that are issued as from 1-7-2011.↩︎

Exported on: 2019-02-08.